Tobacco Targets Our Kids - A Parents' Perspective
Made possible by funding from the Department of Health and Human Services. Produced with funding from the Iowa Department of Public Health, Division of Tobacco Use Prevention and Control.
Monday, February 21, 2011
"Look, Mom! I'm smoking!"
On one of the coldest days of the year, my adventurous daughter Lucci wanted to go play in the snow. Not wanting to squash her spirit, I reluctantly agreed to bundle up. (What is it about kids and sub-zero temperatures?! Oy.)
4 hours later (okay, it just felt like that), we were arctic-ready. I opened the door first, a gust of air hit both of our faces. "Are you sure, Lucci?" It was too late. She was out the door. Our dog, Jack, turned on his heels as if to say "Are you kidding me?!" It was clear: Lucci and I were on our own.
These moments, even in the middle of winter, are treasures for a mom. It's a chance to talk about everything and nothing. "Where do the squirrels go, Mom?" "Can we ice skate on the pool?" "This snow tastes good!" These are the kinds of heavy topics we cover. I love it. It's my chance to feel smart (she is only 7! The clock is days are numbered as the "Wise One!")
I should say, it's USUALLY my chance to feel smart and have ALL the answers. "The squirrels hibernate, Dear." "We can't ice skate on the pool. Just because." "Snow is good. Just don't eat the yellow kind." Really high-brow stuff. Until this day. THIS day, I was completely NOT ready for what was headed my way.
"Look, Mom! I'm smoking!"
The image of my angel with two fingers holding an imaginary cigarette, drawing it up to her mouth and blowing "smoke" from her mouth, was enough to bring this gal to her knees. "WHY on EARTH would you DO that?" I glared. In retrospect, I didn't need to say anything. Apparently the look on my face (even limited through scarf and hat) was enough to make Lucci stop in her tracks. "I don't know. It just looks like smoke when I breathe."
Our walk ended early. I don't know if it was the numbness in my fingertips, or the leftover pang from what felt like a punch in the stomach. I don't mean to be melodramatic, but my husband is clear on this issue. Always has been. He's actually said, if I ever wanted a divorce (by the way, we've been together 23 years, happily married 19 of them!) all I would have to do, would be to light a cigarette and smoke it. As a kid, he describes living in a "bubble" of secondhand smoke. His mother, father and sister chain smoked. It had left it's mark. As an adult, he couldn't have the person he loved most, smoking. He's more forgiving of others, just not his wife.
Fortunately, for me, it's not a habit I adopted. And I've adopted a few. My parents both smoked when they were younger (1950's) and my mom was known to "sneak" a few until doctors thought they found a spot on her lung. Luckily, it was just enough to scare her straight. So far, that was it.
As for my in-laws, the story doesn't end as well. Both are gone now, cigarettes helped lead to my mother-in-law's death of cancer at the young age 52. My father-in-law lived until age 70. He stopped smoking one day. The day after doctors told him it WOULD kill him.
My walk with Lucci turned out to be a great opportunity. It didn't feel like it, but it was. Once inside our warm house, hot chocolate in hand, cooler heads prevailed. I explained my reaction to the imaginary cigarette. I didn't blame her for thinking it was fun to pretend to make smoke in the air. I just explained how cigarettes are really NOT funny. They can become the "boss of you" making you like them even though they're bad for you. (She hates it when her sister bosses her around!) Then it got more serious, just for a minute. "Cigarettes are so bad for you, they can kill you...that smoke, is poison inside you. It turns your lungs black, not the pretty pink they are right now (she loves pink!).
I'm pretty sure she heard me. She didn't ask any questions, but sipped thoughtfully on her "coffee." It wasn't until a few days later that I knew she really was paying attention.
After talking her sister into the sub-zero play date, I noticed her waving her arms explaining something. Turns out, she told her, "Smoking can kill you!"
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Carla Davis tells her story
Carla Davis - in the Mix Studio |
I am 44 years old and never even taken a puff of a cigarette, and quite proud of that!
Carla's beautiful (non-smoking) girls! |
Who is this targeting? Not adults! |
Great example of "smoker's teeth" |
Carla Davis, mother of two (non-smoking!) girls
Special thanks to Carla for sharing her thoughts with us!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
“The S Word”: One Mom’s Approach to Taking on Smoking
I’ll admit it. I’m a goodie-goodie. I’ve always been a rule follower and someone who plays it safe. So, the fact that I have never once put a cigarette in my mouth won’t surprise anyone who knows me. It also doesn’t exactly give me a lot of credibility in the experience department.
It hasn’t been so long that we’ve been a smoke-free state that I can’t remember being immersed in my fair share of smoke. But, I never once had interest in trying a cigarette after having it around me. In fact, to the contrary, I have always been turned off by smoking. Now, I realize that it’s highly unlikely that both of my daughters – now 2 and 6 - will have the same experience. In fact, several people whom I love dearly have been on-again, off-again smokers to this day. Odds are that my girls will want to give it a try at some point.
What DO I know about smoking in my limited experience? It’s illegal to purchase cigarettes under the age of eighteen. After that, those mysterious sticks become fair game. So, I’ve got the law on my side for 12 more years (rule follower, remember?), but what about after that? Worse yet, what if my girls are not the rule-following goodie-goodie (gasp!) that their mother was? What if they don’t only disobey my rules, but they also disobey the law?! (It happens, you know.) Enter panic.
Breathing resumed (this non-smoker can do that with ease), it appears to me that, at age 6, the message that smoking is harmful is out there. My eldest daughter generally seems to hold the basic opinion that smoking equals bad. Between school, kids’ TV programming, and the message and modeling from home, that much seems understood. But, what about when she sees my best friend smoke? Or smells it on a beloved relative? This brings me to the point I’ve found myself wanting to make most to my kids at this particular age: Smoking = Bad, but People Who Smoke ≠ Bad. The two often become one-in-the-same.
It might seem unlikely, but I find that knowing and loving people who smoke will be an advantage in my discussion of “the S word” with my kids. While I’m modeling with the choice not to smoke, our dear friends and family are lending the credible experience to my case that this is one experiment they ought to pass up. Because the friends and family we love are intelligent, kind, ambitious and have great values. But, they tried cigarettes for one reason or another. And now they can’t stop. They desperately want to. They’ve made repeated attempts to cease. But, they have failed to kick cigarettes out their doors once and for all. And they hate it.
I intend to tell my kids about how our friends started out enjoying the feeling they got from smoking, but in time, realized it was a mistake. It is proven to cause harm to your body. It’s irritating and harmful to the non-smokers you subject to your second-hand smoke. It’s expensive – from the cost of the cigarettes themselves to increased health insurance premiums. Smoking just plain stinks. But, most of all, it’s addicting. And if you change your mind about smoking later, it can be nearly impossible to stop. That’s not a risk worth taking.
It’s funny – so many of us swear we’ll never dole out the parental propaganda that our parents once did. But, here I am finding the wisdom in what my parents repeatedly told me: “It’s OK to make mistakes. Mistakes can be great. Just make sure that the mistakes you make aren’t going to change your life permanently. Make sure your mistakes are correctable.” From my perspective, smoking is one mistake that has a darn good chance of being life-changing. I’ve lived enough to see a lot of wonderful people unable to correct theirs. You know what seems like a lot less hassle? Not starting what you can’t stop. But, then, whoever liked listening to what a goodie-goodie had to say?